My Favorite Things
This page is a collection of my favorite things!! Filled with silly rambles and photos
- ❥ General Favorites
- ❥ Games
- ❥ Anime
- ❥ Cartoons
- ❥ Manga
General Favorites
Favorite Animal: Pigs
I LOVE pigs!!!
They are super smart, empathetic, and quirky animals. I've done a lot of research on pig care, especially for Vietnamese Pot-belly Mini Pigs. I dream of taking care of one someday. Pigs are very bright creatures, and their intelligence is often compared to that of a two-year-old human toddler. They are very easy to train and love to learn new things. Pigs are very emotionally-complex creatures, they are independently minded and you need to earn their trust. But they can be very affectionate once you earn that trust. They love cuddles and belly rubs.
❥ My Resources page for Pig Care
❥ Sources: PigPlacementNetwork, Central Texas Pig Rescue
Favorite Flower: Carnation
I love carnation flowers! I really enjoy how fluffy and soft their petals look. The pink ones are my favorite. Pink also happens to be my favorite color! (In case you couldn't tell :P)
Favorite Food: Fettuccine Pasta
I like a lot of foods, but fettuccine pasta is my favorite. My favorite additions with it are broccoli and roasted mushrooms. I have fond memories of going to Italian spaghetti restuarants with my family and ordering yummy fettuccine dishes.