Interneting is Easy!

First, we need to learn some basic HTML

(Following tutorial on Interneting Is Hard for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding.)


Headings define the outline of your site. There are six levels of headings.


  1. Notice the new "ol" element wrapping everything
  2. But the list item elements are the same
  3. Also note how the numbers increase on their own
  4. You should be noticing things in this precise order, because this is an ordered list

Inline Elements

Sometimes, you need to draw attention to a particular word or phrase.

Other times, you gotta strongly emphasize the importance of a word or phrase.

And sometimes you just gotta shout!

Empty Elements

Thanks for reading! Interneting should be getting easier now.

The Authors

P.S. This page might look like crap, but we'll fix that with some CSS soon.